Kirjalista aihepiireittäin kirjailijan nimen mukaan
Art and imagination-sarja
Cook, Roger: The Tree of Life – Symbol of the CentreTansley, David V: Subtle Body – Essence and Shadow
Von Franz, Marie-Louise: Time – Rhythm and Response
Wosien, Maria-Gabriele: Sacred Dance – Encounter With the Gods
McNallen, Stephen: Rituals of Asatru, volume 1: Tools, Major Blóts, Libation to the Alfar
Colmer, Michael: Atsteekkien astrologiaHand, Robert: Planets in Transit
Hunt, Diana: Tähdet kertovat millainen olet ja kuka on se oikea
Johansson, Lars: Astrologian maailmaKoko perheen astrologia
Man-Ho, Kwak: Tiikeri (kiinalainen horoskooppikirjasto)Nikula, Raimo A: Astrologian ihmiskuva
Nikula, Raimo A: Kuun vaiheet astrologiassa
Nummela, Juhani: Astrologian käsikirja
Reinhart, Melanie Chiron: the Healing Journey – an Astrological and Psychological Perspective
Vohg, James: Arache Rising – the Thirteenth SignVon
Gerich, Paul: Astrologia
Adams, W Marsham: The Book of the Master of Hidden Places – the True Symbolism of the Great Pyramid Revealed by the Book of the DeadBudge,
E.A.Wallis: Egyptian MagicDe Lubicz, Isha Schwaller: Her-bak – the Living Face of Ancient EgyptDe Lubicz,
Isha Schwaller: Her-bak – Egyptian Initiate
Holthoer, Rostislav: Muinaisen egyptin kieli
Hope, Murry: Practical Egyptian Magic – A Working Guide to the Magical Practices of Ancient Egypt
Jacq, C: Egyptian MagicKukkonen, Ossi: Johdatus muinaisen Egyptin esoteriaan ja historiaan
Longley, Elizabeth: Egyptian ArtWilkinson, J. Gardner: The Ancient Egyptians – volume one
Wilkinson, J. Gardner: The Ancient Egyptians – volume t
Ennustusmenetelmät, unet
Aaltonen, Kai: Sanat ovat lohikäärmeitä – riimuennustajan opas
Blofeld, John: I Ching – the Chinese Book of ChangeFenton, Sasha: Tarotpaketti: kirja + kortit
Haddenbach, Georg: Mitä unet paljastavatHoward, Michael A: The Runes and Other Magical Alphabets
Markham, Ursula: The Crystal Workbook – a Guide to Working With Crystals
Knight, Gareth: The Magical World of the Tarot
Stewart, R. J.: The Merlin Tarot (vain kirja) The Complete Book of Fortune- Covers the Most Popular Methods of Fortune Telling
Zadkiel and Sibly: A Handbook of Dreams and Fortune-telling
Bird, Malcolm: Suuri noitatieto
Bradley, Marion Zimmer: The Forest House (julkaistu myös nimellä Forests of Avalon)
Donner, Florinda: The Witch’s dream
Haining, Peter: The Witchcraft Reader
Harris, Joanne: Riimut
Hodson, Geoffrey: Fairies at Work and at Play
Paasio Ulla, Löfgren Kaarina: Hilla pohtii uskontoja (lastenkirja)
Summers, Montague: The Supernatural Omnibus – Stories of Occultist Activity in All Its Diverse
Jumala, Jumalatar
Arguelles, Miriam & Jose: The Feminine – Spacious as the Sky
Durdin-Robertson, Lawrence: God the Mother – the Creatress and Giver of Life
Frith, Nigel: The Legend of KrishnaGadon, Elinor W: The Once & Future Goddess
Getty, Adele: Goddess – Mother of Living Nature
Gould Davis, Elizabeth: Alussa oli nainen – naisen unohdettua historiaa etsimässä
Kannisto, Liisa & Kantola, Pirjo: Vesinaisen aikaan – naiset katsovat tulevaisuuteen
Matthews, Caitlín: The Elements of the Goddess
Neumann, Erich: The Great Mother – an Analysis of the Archetype
Robertson, Olivia: The Call of Isis
Rush, Anne Kent: Moon, moon
Thompson, Janet: Of Witches – Celebrating the Goddess as a Solitary Pagan
Graves, Alfred Perseval: The Irish Fairy Book- These Fairy Tales are Representative of the Very Best Irish Folklore
Hope, Murry: Practical Celtic Magic – a Working Guide to the Magical Heritage of the Celtic Races
Mann, Nicholas R.: The Isle of Avalon
Matthews, John: A Glastonbury Reader – Selection From the Myths, Legends and Stories of Ancient Avalon
O’Farrell, Padraic: Ancient Irish legends
O’Kelly, Michael J.: Newgrange – Archeology, Art and Legend-Kirjallisuusluettelo kelttejä käsittelevästä kirjallisuudesta
Muut kulttuurit
Autio, Eero: Kultasarvipeura ja sen klaani – Kuolan niemimaan saamelaisten uskomuksia
Bullchild, Percy: The Sun Came Down – a Treasure of American Indian Oral Tradition
Fewkes, Jesse Walter: Hopi Katcinas – Hopi Indians Masked Symbolic Representations of Gods and Departed Clan-ancestors
Forsman, Kaarlo: Kreikkalaisten ja Roomalaisten Mytologia
Mystiikan Maailma -sarja: Maaginen eläin
Noidat ja noituus
Garfield, Rorke: Superforce – the Ancient Laws of Magic at Work
Gray, William G: Magical Ritual Methods
Gray, William G: The Rollright Ritual
Luhrmann, T.M.: Persuasions of the Witch’s Craft Ritual Magic in Contemporary England
Olliver, Charles W: Handbook of Magic & Witchcraft
Richardson, Alan: Dancers to the Gods – the Rites and Visions of Two High Grade Occultists Within a Genuine Lodge, Who Funtioned as Priest and Priestess
Sargent, Denny: Global Ritualism – Myth & Magic Around the World
Thompson, C. J. S.: Mysteries and Secrets of Magic
Walker, Barbara G. : Women’s Rituals
Utopiat & Mytologia
Comte, Fernand: Dictionary of Mythology
Forsman, Kaarlo: Kreikkalaisten ja Roomalaisten Mytologiia
Graves, Alfred Perseval: The Irish Fairy Book- These Fairy Tales Are Representative of the Very Best Irish Folklore
Homeros: Odysseia
Matthews, John: A Glastonbury Reader – Selection From the Myths, Legends and Stories of Ancient Avalon
Mythologia Fennica, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 1984
Spence, Lewis: Introduction to Mythology – Differences and Similarities Between the Various Mythical Traditions
Spence, Lewis: Myths and legends: Egypt
Spence, Lewis: Myths and legends: Germany
Alexander, Michael: The Earliest English Poems
Hämäläinen, Outi Akseli: Väinön miekka I
Krohn Kaarle: Suomalaisten runojen uskonto
Setälä, Johannes: Kalevalan tietäjät kertovat
Andrews, Ted: Magickal Dance – Your Body as an Instrument of Power
Drury, Nevill: Samanismi
Eriksson, Jörgen I: Samisk shamanism
King, Serge Kahili: Kaupunkishamaani
Boyd, Doug: Rolling Thunder – an American Indian Medicine Man, Spiritual Leader
Meadows, Kenneth: Shamanic Experience – a Practical Guide to Contemporary Shamanism
Meadows, Kenneth: Where Eagles Fly – a Shamanic Way to Inner Wisdom
Natale, Frank: Trance Dance – Ancient Transformative and Healing Technique
Siikala, Anna-Leena : Suomalainen shamanismi
Suomalainen perinne
Eilola, Jari: Rajapinnoilla – Sallitun ja kielletyn määritteleminen 1600-luvun jälkipuoliskon noituus- ja taikuustapauksissa
Kaarle Krohn: Suomalaisten runojen uskontoKertomuksia Suomen historiasta. 1, Pakanuuden aikakausi
Laiho, Antto: Wanhan kansan merkkipäivät
Mythologia Fennica, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 1984
Suomen Kansan Muinaisia Loitsurunoja – Taikoja ja loitsuja vuodelta 1880Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia osa 62
Krohn, Julius: Suomen Suvun Pakanallinen Jumalanpalvelus
Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia osa 83Symbolit
Lehner, Ernst: Symbols, Signs & SignetsTaikuus/magia/okkultismi/ritualismi
Eilola Jari: Rajapinnoilla – Sallitun ja kielletyn määritteleminen 1600-luvun jälkipuoliskon noituus- ja taikuustapauksissa
Yrtit, luonto, parantaminen
Conway, David: The Magic of HerbsCorvo, Joseph: Zone Therapy
Heiskanen Irma ja Kailo Kaarina(toim.): Ekopsykologia ja perinnetieto – Polkuja eheyteen
Morningstar, Sally: Ayurveda – terveyttä ja tasapainoa perinteisellä intialaisella menetelmällä
Nahmad, Claire: Earth Magic – a Wisewoman’s Guide to Herbal, Astrological & Other Folk Wisdom
Nielsen, Herald: Exotiska Läkeväxter och Trolldomsörter
Rautavaara, Toivo: Miten luonto parantaa
Rannisto, Tarja: Luonnon estetiikka
Smith, David: The East/West Exercise Book
Strandberg, Meta: Myrkytön puutarha
Wicca ja noituus
Alan, Jim & Fox, Selene: Circle Magic Songs
Beth, Rae: Hedge witch – a Guide to Solitary Witchcraft
Buckland, Raymond: Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft
Campanelli, Pauline: Ancient Ways – Reclaiming Pagan Traditions
Conway, D. J. : Wicca The Complete Craft
Crowley, Vivianne: A Woman’s Guide to the Earth Traditions
Crowley, Vivianne: Phoenix From the Flame – Pagan Spirituality in the Western World
Crowley, Vivianne: Principles of Paganism
Crowley, Vivianne: Principles of Wicca
Crowley, Vivianne: Wicca – the Old Religion in the New Millennium
Cuhulain, Kerr: Wiccan Warrior – Walking a Spiritual Path in a Sometimes Hostile World
Cunningham, Scott: Wicca – a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
Cunningham, Scott: Living Wicca – a Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
Cunningham, Scott & Harrington, David: Spell Crafts – Creating Magical Objects
Farrar, Janet ja Stewart: Eight Sabbaths for Witches
Fox, Selena: Goddess Communion – Rituals and Meditation
Grist, Tony & Aileen: The Illustrated Guide to Witchcraft – The Secrets of Wicca and Paganism Revealed
Frost Gavin & Yvonne: A Good Witch’s Guide to Life
Galenorn, Yasmine: Trancing the Witch’s Wheel – a Guide to Magical Meditation
Gardner, Gerald: Witchcraft Today (3kpl)
Grimassi, Raven: Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft
Grimassi, Raven: Wiccan Inner Teachings of the Craft Magick
Hjelm, Titus (toim.): Mitä wicca on?
Jones, Prudence: The Path to the Centre – the Grail Initiations in Wicca
McLean, Adam: The Four Fire Festivals
Ravenwolf, Silver: To Stir a Magic Cauldron – a Witch’s Guide to Casting and Conjuring
Starhawk: Dreaming the Dark – Magic, Sex and Politics
Starhawk: The Spiral Dance (special 20th anniversary edition)
Summers, Lucy: Wicca – Heksen en witte magie (kieli: hollanti)
Sylvan, Dianne: The Circle Within – Creating a Wiccan Spiritual Tradition
Thompson, Janet: Of Witches – Celebrating the Goddess as a Solitary Pagan
Valiante, Doreen: The Rebirth of Witchcraft
Astro Logos
- no 15 kesäkuu 1993: Persoonallisuuskuvia, esoteerinen eläinrata-
- no 16 joulukuu 1993: Johdatus intialaiseen astrologiaan
Hecate’s Loom
Issue 29 Lammas 1995: Healing theatre, sacred dance, sun goddesses-
Issue 30 Samhanin 1995: On being witch, Starhawk interview,magic of tarot-
Issue 34 Samhain 1996: Healing astrology, soul masks, anima shrine Pagan Dawn- number 113 /
Samhain 1994: The underworld journey- number 114 /
Imbolc 1995: New beginnings- number 116 / Lammas: Trance dance & fetish cult- number 117 /
Samhain 1995: Inkubus sukkubus- number 118 /
Imbolc 1996: What do we mean: We’re pagan?- Number 119 /
Beltane 1996: The pagan federation’s 25’th anniversary- number 121 /
Samhain 1996: Interview with wiccan high priestess- number 122 /
Imbolc 1997: Wicca in the last forty years
Quest- no 102 june 1995: Uses of the magical diary- no 107 september 1996: The mind and magic- no 109 march 1997: Gifts of the old ones
Shaman’s drum- number 23 / spring 1991: Northwest coast medicine teachings- number 26 / winter 1991:92 Yurok female spiritual doctors- number 30 / winter 1995: Jaguar shamans and mayan spirits
Talking Stick
Issue V winter 1991: Talk of yin and yan and Hexagrams- Issue VI spring 1992: The mythology and shamanism of the Haida Indians-
Issue VII summer 1992: Sex in magic
Issue VIII autumn 1992: Tarot therapy
Issue IX winter 1992: Into the circle
Issue X spring 1993: Wiccan initiations are illegal
Issue XI summer 1993: Practical totems-
Issue XII autumn 1993: Demon lovers; Sarasvati: goddess of wisdom-
Issue XIII winter 1993: Runes of the aesir-
Issue XVI autumn 1994: The mystical pentacle-
Issue XVII winter 1994: Modern magic: human potential-
Issue XIX summer 1995: Shamen, sorcery and survival international
The Cauldron
no 78 Halloween/Midwinter 1995: The goddess of winter-
no 79 Candlemass/Eostre 1996: The grail – esoteric core of wicca-
no 80 Beltane/Midsummer 1996: At the sign of the crossed broomsticks-
no 81 Lammas/Harvest home 1996: What is traditional craft?-
no 83 Candlemass/Eostre 1997: The faery folk in Cornwall-
no 84 Beltane/Midsummer 1997: By the dark light of Lilith’s lantern
The Dragon Chronicle–
- number 5 april 1995: Dreams and dragons-
- number 6 summer 1995: The dragon in chinise astrology-
- number 11 septemper 1997: Dragon legends in China and Europe
The Pagan Federation–
- Constitution Samhain 1995- Information pack-
- Nothern tradition information pack- Witchcraft information pack
1/95 Jumalattaresta jumalaksi
2/95 Lohikäärmeopas
1/97 Neutraali rakkauden kosmogonia
3/97 Sanoja rakkaudesta
Muut sekalaiset
Loimu, Kari: Yhdistystoiminnan käsikirja
Circle network news, Fall 1995, issue 57: Crones, sages and elders
Gimle number 22 december 1994: Koreansk shamanism
Ocular V: Matriarchal myth, new age or new order- The druids progress nro 12: Magical kills in druidic ritual
The witches almanac – spring 1998 to spring 1999 (the complete guide to lunar harmony)-
Vitka, nr 1 1996: Kraftens dagar – sabater och esbater